Sanitary Sewer Overflow Occurrence
City of Lake Mills
On the morning of Wednesday, February 19, 2020 at approximately 10:30 A.M. the City of Lake Mills utilities received a report of water leaking onto the roadway and ditch approximately 350 feet northwest of the intersection of STH 89 and CTH V. Utility staff confirmed two sanitary sewer force main leaks: one draining toward the low area northwest of the intersection, and one draining to the storm sewer that eventually goes to Rock Creek.
Repairs to the leaks were started on February 19 and continued through February 20. The Utilities have been working with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and has estimated the sewage release to be less than 5,000 gallons.
Utility employees determined that the leaks were caused by damage to the main pipe that extends from the sewer pumping station north of I-94 and pumps south to the intersection of STH 89 and CTH V.
City residents are reminded to stay out of possible areas of the spill and report any suspicious water leaks or spills to the city utilities at 920-648-4026.
Questions should be directed to Paul Hermanson, Director of Public Works, at (920) 648-4026.
Published on February 26, 2020