Serving the community since 1911.

Door-to-Door Solar Vendors in Lake Mills

Lake Mills Light & Water has been notified that solar vendors are going door-to-door in the City of Lake Mills. It is unlawful for any direct seller, a.k.a. door-to-door salesperson, to engage in direct sales within the City of Lake Mills without being registered for that purpose by the City, unless exempt. Solar direct sellers are not exempt. If registration is granted, the direct seller will then be issued a proof of registration that then can be shown to potential buyers.


We encourage you not to share banking or account information and to contact Lake Mills Light & Water before signing any documents.


In the past, customers have questioned whether Lake Mills Light & Water partners with vendors; Lake Mills Light & Water does not partner with nor endorse any vendors. The truth is that we work with all solar vendors on proper and safe interconnection to our electrical distribution system. We have no requirement to install a solar system or work with a particular vendor.


Customers have contacted us with questions about details of Lake Mills Light & Water rates. Lake Mills Light & Water’s electric rates have increased a total of 10.8% between 2010 and 2020, or an average of 1.1% per year.


Lake Mills Light & Water recommends visiting the Focus on Energy website and acquiring multiple quotes from Focus Trade Allies (, and allowing our utility to assist in evaluating your proposal(s). We are strong proponents of renewable generation resources including solar generation.


Lake Mills Light & Water has staff that is glad to assist you as you research rooftop solar options. Please feel free to reach out to our Energy Services Manager, Greg Hoffmann, with questions or for proposal evaluation assistance.